Here is my box of whimsy for this months Gardening Gone Wild photo contest:

The subject for this month’s contest is Spring Fling, these two anoles were obviously having their own fling inside one of my bird boxes. As the shutter went off they both scurried indoors, raising a small make-shift circular door they had obviously stole from my purple martin box.
They were not amused by my rude intrusion into their privacy it seems.
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They are playing a dangerous game. I know a certain bird who would eat them for dinner! Good luck with your entry.
Hi Jenny, indeed they are!
I guess that is why they fabricated the round door?
That is a great photo! They found the perfect little house…well, so far. I like the anoles. We seem to have more of the Texas spiny lizards…not quite as “cute” in my opinion.
Thanks Amy.
I have seen two spiny lizards this year. I have never seen them before in the Patch. The spiny lizards seem a lot more skittish of the camera then the anoles, and boy, can they run when they want to!
Looks like spring is the time for the birds and the bees and the anoles.
Hi Gail…It does indeed.
I guess you’ll have to start building & marketing “Green Anole Houses”. Great entry & good luck.
Hi RB.
Yes, small boxes with dedicated entryways specifically sized for an anole! I am on it.
Hi Phillip, this is Lyn and not Bob. Just wanted to tell you how much I love this picture. We have lots and lots of Green Anoles and I love every single one of them. I especially love how they seem to study you as much as you study them if you are real quiet. I often come upon them while I am picking green beans and I try to not scare them too much. Good luck with your entry. Thank you again to you and your family for a lovely Sunday afternoon. :)
Hi Lyn, good to here from you, such a nice change from Bob! :-) haha.
Thanks, and they do look like they are studying you, it is like they are thinking “wow is that thing large, but I will prevail” they really have the whole Napoleon complex thing going on, I am convinced.
Glad you both made it over…we had fun too.
I need to tell you about that “weird” house next time.
Thanks for dropping in Lyn.
Great picture! Not what I would have expected to be living in that box.
Hi Laura.
You just never know what will inhabit a garden it…and someone, apparently will quickly move in!
Fancy being able to get a picture with one inside as well as outside. Well done.
I am still bemoaning the fact that you weren’t successful last month: that green picture of yours almost stopped me from entering the contest. I can still see it in my mind’s eye.
Hi Joco.
Thank you…I could not believe it when I happened to look up and see this scene!
Happy the green picture stuck in your minds eye!
Thanks for dropping in.
Great photo! They do look like they are up to something. If only we could hear what they were thinking. Good luck
Hi Teresa and thanks.
Cheeky bird box anoles…I watched one today on my satsuma tree. I saw a small hairstreak butterfly land and saw the anole’s gaze immediately divert. A few seconds later it made one big leap, landed on another branch with the butterfly in it’s mouth…they are incredibly fast when they want to be.
Okay you get my vote…the dude on the inside is snearing! Great shot!
He is! “Lord of the manor”.
Thanks Cheryl.
What fun! And I’m so impressed you had your camera ready at just the right moment. I usually have the lens cap on…
I do not even have a lens-cap, my camera is so basic!
Thanks for popping in Town Mouse…
love the anoles in the bird house! your image made me laugh out loud!
Hi Andrea.
Glad you got a laugh out of it! It is quite the most absurd scene.
Oh,this is such a sweet picture.
It is like an anole reality show is going on in there!…”See who will be next to get thrown out of the bird box?…Coming right up after the next commercial break.
Very cute. Good luck on the contest.
Thanks Garden Lily.