Candy Apples, 2009 oil on canvas by Margaret Morrison.
Is there anything more Texan than the Rodeo?

The lassos were spinning,

as were some other people.
Some even braver souls had the nerve to be flung around and upside-down by this monster:

But I was not one of them. Oh no, in fact I got vertigo just observing this rotating monstrosity of a ride and judging from some rather unpleasant “unmentionables” deposited around a nearby seat that I was staggering toward, so had some of this rides earlier occupants.
Brrr, but enough of that.

That’s more like it.

I could use these.
I have not had a candy apple (or toffee apple if you are in the UK) for years and I thought it time that my kids try them…(not one of my better decisions).

“Don’t get the truck sticky…Don’t put that wrapper on the seat…DON’T GET THE TRUCK STic…“

“Aw come on!”

By the time we arrived home the seat belts were like fly-paper.
Back in the Patch:

After the rodeo, Gypsy Rose had apparently got a new head for heights…

“Get down from there and come smell the roses.”

This one was given to me by Loree over there at: http://dangergarden.blogspot.com/
I have no idea what variety it is…Loree? Anyone?

The petite Ipheion, ‘Rolf Fiedler’ is always a sure sign of spring.
Tristagma peregrinans

It may be short but it sure packs a cool aesthetic with its overlapping perianth segments…snort, adjusts taped-up glasses.
A great companion for early yellow Daffodils, it has been a dependable bulb in my garden for years now…I need more, lots more.

Remember the yeti paw?
Well surprisingly (and considering our recent 90 degree temperatures) it turned out not to be a yeti at all but

an emerging four-nerve daisy, imagine that.

The first poppies are blooming in my hell-strip.

Bamboo Muhly grasses catching some afternoon sun. The background opuntia tree is also ready for some paddle-pruning to further promote vertical growth. It always wants to grow sideways and not up, but I don’t let it.

These grasses were getting a little long in the tooth so I cut them back to the ground after taking this image.

This Pyracantha ranks up there with mist flowers as an insect attractant when in bloom.

These eight-spotted forester moths
Alypia octomaculata
are particularly fond of this plant. I counted six milling moths on it the other day.

Damianita have also been pulling in these colorful and aptly named Bordered Patch butterflies, sometimes called the Sunflower Patch.
Chlosyne lacinia

Stay Tuned for:
“The Small Patch of Land that Time Forgot”

All material © 2013 for eastsidepatch. Unauthorized
intergalactic reproduction strictly prohibited, and
punishable by late (and extremely unpleasant)
14th century planet Earth techniques.
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Cute Gypsy Rose must be happy to have a real rose (flower) in the patch. Love the pictures of the kids.
Hi Gail.
Her expression is funny.
Now if her fortune telling skills could only locate the money she mislaid we would all be laughing all the way to D&B.
Nice mega-post of mega spring, the shot of the young patchmeisters in front of that drop ride (power?) is so vintage. But I never though of that daisy’s buds looking like a yeti paw…like you, no yetis nearby to confirm, though…..
Hi David. That ride was insane, it didn’t drop you but rather flung you around in a circular motion at a rather alarming speed. The daisy looks exactly like a yeti paw, a five inch high one that is. Writing this post I began to get confused between the Yeti, Abominable Snowman, Bigfoot and the Sasquatch!
You must be about the best Dad in the world.
Every time I see that Vitex in your front yard, I think of some poor tree growing in a wind swept and rocky mountain range or beach. The poor thing is just so twisted.
You haven’t seen me on a bad day :-)
The tree in this post was actually a desert willow, though I agree my vitex (in the background) also ranks up there on the twisted scale. They both have that wild, wind-blasted – Gothic look to them.
You gave your kids candy apples? You are a brave, brave man! LOVE the metal arch – ultra cool!
I did indeed and the seat belts still adhere to me every time I go near them. A welder and friend of mine made the gate, I like the ground to ground arch look…very:
I absolutely love your flower photos…Thank you for sharing.
Thanks Charlie.