Eighty degrees one day,

selling girl scout cookies in teeshirts…

…then ice, how the temperatures can swing in Texas.

There was just enough accumulation on this lawn chair to eek out a couple of lame snowballs for an equally lame snowball fight.

Which was probably a good thing.

This is what we needed!

Stock tanks froze over once again encapsulating lacewings that had drowned on the surface.

No, it is not a Popsicle, Bear.

Loquats also had a cold casing,

and I think I can safely say my variegated gingers have seen better days,

much better days.
Out of all the frost bitten plants in my garden the first prize for ‘most aesthetically unpleasing plant after a freeze’

has to go to

yes…the purple heart.

“I just knew it was going to win Charles.”
“Yes Dear, it really is astonishingly aesthetically unpleasing .”

Not only is this plant a mess to look at, it will most certainly attempt to cover you in purple juice during clean up as an annoying side activity.
Lets take one more look:

The interwoven dead leaves that this soggy plant apparently ‘collects’ over time completes the award winning industrial spillage look.
Aloe also suffers in the cold,

the softened pulp on the inside of this frozen aloe arm felt very odd and kept him entertained for all of …30 seconds.
This Mexican lime tree kept me busy for a little longer as I beat it repeatedly with a blunt instrument to remove the dead foliage. This activity had the added benefit of making me feel much better about the upcoming purple heart clean up.

“This lime tree was repeatedly beaten around its crown and lower limbs with a blunt object Watson, isn’t it obvious? The exfoliation, the…blah, blah…purple juice on the perpetrators gardening gloves…blah, blah, blah.”
Moving Along:

This cactus causes me to do a Sheldon laugh when I walk past it in my Hell-strip.

It has a very distinctive Jack Sparrow swagger to it, and recently, I noticed, its first tattoo.

And on that note…
Stay Tuned for:

All material © 2014 for eastsidepatch. Unauthorized
intergalactic reproduction strictly prohibited, and
punishable by late (and extremely unpleasant)
14th century planet Earth techniques.
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Yes, why IS the rum gone?
At least the purple heart will be back…
Hi Cheryl…yes, purple heart doesn’t disappear for long does it…unlike the rum.
Ugh – I have a smaller yet equally unattractive mushpit of purple heart to clear soon. It is immediately underneath a trellis covered with dead coral vine, which also needs to be disposed of. I’m trying to find motivation to get them out of sight but mostly finding it easier to keep them out of mind. You’re a better gardener, nay, a better person, for having already gotten those chores off your list. 21 trowel salute, sir!
Hi TD.
I am really not a great fan of purple heart in the first place and the annual mushpit cleanup now has me thinking as to why I have it in the first place!
Now I remember.
It is hard to find purple quite like it.
Dude, I love those snowball makers….we have 2 of them and my daughters LOVE them! Great site BTW, first time visitor.
Hi Matt, welcome and thanks for dropping in.
Growing up in Scotland I could have really used one of those snowball makers.
Last year we moved from North Carolina up to the Boston area. I now know why there are liquor stores on every street corner. On the plus side, I get a workout from digging out the walkway and trying to lift my kids out of all the snowdrifts. We don’t need that snowball maker, though – somehow my children always find monstrous ice covered snow chunks almost as bigger than them to throw at their parents…
I can’t wait for ‘Taking the Hobbits to Isengarden’. That sounds like quite the tale!
Hi Indie and yes, quite the winter up there I am sure.
We have had a hard winter (for us) this year in Austin – lots of freezing then 70 degree days (repeat numerous times) – it is going to be interesting to see what plants return in the spring…come on the Mex. leucantha!
That is one awesome snow ball maker. I have a small one for my kids, but that one is so much better than the one I have! Where did you find that one?!