Halloween candy is seemingly endless this year, sugar rushes sparking some odd behavioral patterns.

“Don’t tell me…your a Boxer?”
Staying with odd behavioral patterns:

How about this animated female sago palm!

She was clutching a bunch of new red seeds in her megasporophyll basket (which are in fact the modified leaves of the sago).
Also on our travels…

A writhing stand of Variegated Century Plant (Agave americana var. marginata), and not a long-nose weevil in sight…yet!
After a bite to eat it was onto Laguna Gloria sculpture park.

The installation below is called the “Net-Work”
by Korean sculptor and installation artist Do Ho Suh:

Gold and chrome plating over plastic figures that are attached onto a nylon fishing net,

this must have taken some serious patience to fabricate.

The park also has plenty of mature sabals.

Back in the Patch:

My two pecan trees have been busy of late, dropping all their droppings over as big an area as possible.

It has been a bumper crop of pecan nuts this year so I naturally called on some child labor for harvesting.


…get off the iPad…

…and get busy shelling.”
“Seriously Dad?”

Cold temperatures have triggered fatsia japonica into bloom and initiated new growth.

Last of the mist flowers being held by a light deprived agave.

I will leave you with a few images of the “Garden of cosmic speculation” by landscape architect Charles Jencks at his home near Dumfries in South West Scotland, my old stomping ground.

The 30 acre sculpture garden is inspired by science and mathematics drawing references and influence from black holes and fractals.

Stay Tuned For:
“Barf or Peach?”
All material © 2014 for eastsidepatch. Unauthorized
intergalactic reproduction strictly prohibited, and
punishable by late (and extremely unpleasant)
14th century planet Earth techniques.
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How cool is that pregnant sago palm!? I’ve never seen one that mature. Have to wonder how long it took the artist to make “Net-Work”! My fatsia japonicas are in bloom too..and re-growing the leaves that the deer dined on last summer.. a naked fatsia is not a very pretty sight.
Love your post..as always.
Hi Cheryl.
That is one very old sago palm, I always check-in on it whenever I have to replenish another $50 on my D&B cards, it always softens the blow :-)
The “Net-work” was very interesting, the figurines felt like metal and the nerd inside me had to find out what they were made of.
Good to hear your fatsia are bouncing back, these plants tend to be a little touch & go until they get well established, then you have solid shade structure for future years.
“solid shade structure for future years”…providing you don’t have deer with an appetite for their leaves. The are leaving them alone now…I think. I haven’t checked them this evening…
No deer in east Austin thank goodness :-)
Good luck!
“No deer in east Austin”… Philip, I’d be happy to help out with that. You can have ALL of the deer in our neighborhood and I’m quite certain nobody would mind one bit. Now to figure out how to herd them over to you….
Okay TD, no deer in this neighborhood, and if I catch you herding them my direction…it will be Naboo spears in places you certainly don’t want them :-)
I love pecan nuts, you can cringe me some next time you visit your mum!!lol. And how come I didn’t know about that garden near Dumfries? I live here!! Where is it exactly?? Hope you’re all well Phil! Take care xx
Hi Donna.
I have not visited this garden either, but would very much like to.
Charles Jencks opens it up to the public once a year through Scotland’s Gardens Scheme and raises money for Maggie’s Centres, a cancer care charity.
His House is called Portrack House.