“Want a balloon?”

We recently met the cast of “IT”at the “Texas Frightmare” horror convention in Dallas.

My day was made when I glanced to my left and spotted Doug Bradley:

I bet he never thought that he would end up featuring on a garden blog post

about Buttonbush!

“Your suffering will be legendary for this ESPatch.”
But the ‘Monster in the Closet’ I am referring to is not Pennywise,

or Pinhead, or that particularly disturbing demon on top of the closet from the Conjuring. Brrr.

No…it is this bundle of mayhem:

Her name is Loki.

She uses my left leg as her climbing post to get up onto our couch.

Oh you thinks that’s funny?

A psychological adjustment for Kumo to say the least, but he did okay. Here she is a few weeks later and already much bigger.

The white tip on Kumo’s tail makes the best cat toy, well it will when I spray it with fixative and rub some catnip on it.

Here is something I keep seeing around but don’t understand:

Prickly pears next to a public sidewalk and parking lot…and these are babies! They should have gone all-out and stuffed in some sotals and barrel cactus right up against the sidewalk on the right side, just to balance out the scene?
“Spock Analysis?”

“Planting Opuntia, in this location is highly illogical Captain”.

“Scans suggest this could be a defensive measure between opposing factions of the era, or simply a highly questionable choice of Cactaceae for a public sidewalk?”
“Captain, caution is advised”.

“Dam it Jim, Spock warned you about that sidewalk!”

I mean seriously.

Talking of barrel cactus, how about these fake lovelies from IKEA?

Fejka Me!

I am not sure what disease is affecting all my Hoja Santa…
Oh wait, yes I do.

It is a rare affliction called sheetrockious, sheetymessious.

It quickly mutated into a wood pile.
Never has there been a more depressing stand of Hoja Santa…right next to the garden refrigerator (I don’t even notice that anymore)…how fitting.
Yes, it is still construction central inside of the Patch.
To meet code we had to put sheet-rock on all the walls and ceiling.
The walls were then covered with shiplap to match the longleaf pine of rest of the house. I have a lot of staining in my future.

His future room.

Arizona Blue-Ice cypress cooling down the summer.

I planted these Yucca Rostrata late last year and they were tiny.

They have come a long way in a short period of time.

I plan to weave some flagstone through here at some point.

A wishful rain-gauge.

I will leave you with one final monster I found online:

Stay Tuned For:

“The Hypnotist”
All material © 2018 for eastsidepatch. Unauthorized
intergalactic reproduction strictly prohibited, and
punishable by late (and extremely unpleasant)
14th century planet Earth techniques.
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Do you have nightmares over there? Glad to see your design/build coming along well. Looks fabulously spacious. And the garden looking good despite the builders rubble.
Lots of construction nightmares going on in the Patch right now J. Between the building mayhem, the incessant heat of Summer and the mosquitoes inside our house – stress levels are high in the Patch.
Then there is the World Cup…Come on England!
Deep breaths…and relax!
If you really get cracking, you might even get his room finished before he graduates high school, heh heh. Seriously, your kids are growing up fast. Your daughter looks like she may be taller than her mom already? The Patch is looking very fine, despite the construction mayhem and garden fridge. I’m impressed that you’re holding it all together through the remodel.
And yes, those prickly pears along the curb are crazy.
Lets hope so Pam! Time will tell.
Yes the kids are growing fast, I think, in part, it is due to the small amounts of Alaskan fish emulsion I have been slipping into their bath water over the years?
I watched as those prickly pears went in, such a bizarre plant choice. Now they are getting bigger things will start to get really interesting. I will be following this one like the strip-mall planter-crypt I have featured over the years: https://www.eastsidepatch.com/2010/07/%E2%80%9Cgarden-coffins%E2%80%9D
“They all float, Georgey!”
Well, except misplaced opuntias and barrels.