A Central Texas Garden Blog.
Zone: 8b
Location: East Austin.
The East Side Patch documents the development of a garden from a flat plane of Bermuda grass to absolutely no Bermuda grass at all (well perhaps a few small stubborn patches). It tracks the successes and failures in the garden as new insights are gleamed, new insects are spotted and new bottles of sea-weed emulsions are administered.

“Who are you calling weird?”
The ESP uses film and TV references to push the journey along as it tracks all the wild, weird and wonderful inhabitants that reside in an urban Texas garden five minutes from downtown Austin. ESP inhabitants like “The Botox Lady,” “The Naboo Tribe,” “William Wallace,” not to mention the “East-Side Witches,” are among a host of revolving characters that play an active role in the continuing, ridiculous plot.
Equipment: All camera shots in the ESP are the result of a small point and click Sony Cybershot, being extremely slim-line it is perfect for a blogger at work in the garden. I highly recommend it, this is my second, the first ending up in a watery grave on a lawn chair…it didn’t like that!
My blogging history started on live journal (for over a year). I then moved over to Word Press.com (very briefly), then I FINALLY made the jump over to being a self hosted website August 2009, armed with my Word Press for Dummies book!
Quite the learning curve, but most definitely worth it.
Story-time and a pint in the Patch.
The ESP is situated five minutes from downtown Austin. Our house was built in 1890.
Here is the original structure complete with the original Victorian Lady, who I don’t think has ever left. Eeek! Eeek! Eeek!

So…grab your favorite libation, put your feet up, grab your iPad and venture down the rabbit hole into the East Side Patch!
“Pauline, have you read ESP’s blog on-line?
“On-line George?
“You know…on the internets”
“Oh no, I am afraid if I go on the internets I may break them”!