Meet Patricia, she specializes in citrus spells, and charms. she has cultivated this sinister “look of surprise” over many many years. This crone takes great delight in pressing the mole on her chin like a button, then striking this pose.
The East Side Patch witches are a rather nasty trio of warts and foul breath. They have a three-tiered hut with a crooked chimney in the upper reaches of the wizened boughs of my Post Oak tree and they rarely leave it.

I do see them more in the spring, gathering up Gulf Coast toads in their nasty hessian sacks at dusk, no doubt to be used later in some predictably large bubbling cauldron.

You can sometimes hear them cackling as they hatch unmentionable spells into the cold night air. The three witches, are most active around the full moon and the four solstices, but if there is a sudden death in the patch (like “The Cactus Man”) they will swoop out of the oak tree screaming like Banshees.

Note: The Cactus man was reincarnated (some believe resurrected) some time later in a very bizarre horticultural incident. To some in the Patch he is worshiped and considered a deity, to others he is a prickly pear paddle.
The witches are the most diabolical of creatures that call the ESP their home.

It is widely rumored in the Patch that this stone frog with his “hand” placed across his heart, was once a fine and noble knight. The ESP witches turned him to stone, stuck a nail in his posterior and secured him to this cedar stump for plotting against their secret covenant.
Here is Isabel, she focuses on transformational spells, crystal gazing and perfecting the ultimate nasal sneer. Isabel actually went to the same cosmetic surgeon as the “Botox Lady” to get the delicate arc of her nose just how she wanted it.
And last but not least…
Christine…she likes to sing folk ballads and eat broccoli.
She can often be heard cackling out the ‘Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald’ as she hovers over her cauldron.
Video: Leo Bridle films, UK.