"Dead in a Shed"

“Ya, but no, but ya,
but, ooooooo my god I cannot believe ESP
has changed his blog layout, or summat, or nothin”!

Times are changing for this large pecan tree also, expedited by the recent cold snap. The browning foliage looks spectacular right now against the blue sky days we are experiencing. I am still watering as if it is summer, the ground is still so dry, and there is still no rain in sight!

I have been taking advantage of this cooler weather by doing things in the yard that I had postponed in the Hell days of summer. The most disturbing of these was the shed “clean” up. I dont know if you remember

“A Nutria is Eating my Shed”

This summer I was a late setting some poison out, and one “Ratatouille” turned into quite a few. I fixed the vent where they were getting in, and a couple of them “passed away” inside the shed. Needless to say I avoided going into the shed as much as possible. The combination of 100 degree temps (120 inside the shed) and a decomposing rat or two is a disastrous combination beyond belief. I felt like I should tape up

the entire shed with police tape, that, or just set fire to the whole thing. My theory here was to let them “dry up” as it were, and dry up they did.  The aroma went from a mind altering:

to a “what is that?, can you smell that?, oh yes now I remember”.

The recent bulk collection prompted my venture back inside the shed for a deep clean up. I will not go into details here, but lets just say there were moments of retching in between scrubbing, scraping and disinfecting, and some scrubbing, scraping and disinfecting in between retching. I got rid of so much clutter, sterilized everything, and now look at it:

Ahhh! order is restored again, and what is that, some empty shelf space? unheard of.
I  learned a gruesome lesson here, one I never want to repeat…ever.

Now here is another tragic tale, I mean wing.
I found this dismembered Swallowtail wing on my pathway.
Perhaps this predator was the perpetrator:?

The “Jaws” ahem, of an agave beginning to open. The blood stained teeth, color and skin texture look like a great white.

“Everyone out! Get out  now! Out of the cactus bed”.

Here is a happier Swallowtail with two wings, I caught this one on my satsuma orange tree,

The colors and markings are staggering, it looks like cathedral organ pipes, or a stained glass window.

Here she is in her finest angelic glory, busy laying eggs in the citrus. If you look closely at the top picture, is that an egg? You can see a couple more eggs on the image on the right. I never realized Swallowtail eggs were that big.
Here is the young tree’s only fruit of the year.

The bark on this tree is also interesting.

On a furrier note
As close as I can tell this is a true brushfoot:
Painted Lady Vanessa cardui

I caught this one loitering on the last of my coneflowers heads.

…and one final bird:
Brown Longtail
Urbanus procne ?

This was the closest ID I could come up with-A fighter jet of the moth world.

the wing structure looks different though. Any ideas?I snapped a few images of this guy (whoever he is) all around
the garden in the last couple of weeks.

Copper Canyon Daisy Tagetes Lemmonii, a great companion
plant to other fall bloomers such as Mexican Bush Sage and
Fall Aster. Always a dependable bloomer, I like the way the blooms contrast my containered burgundy Canna Lilly.

Fuzzy Mexican Bush Sage and a large (very busy) bumble.

Feeding time!
Something has been feeding on my water lilies. Look at them!
Does anyone have any ideas?, we do have water snails
(that we did not introduce).

Seed head on a Damianita Chrysactinia Mexicana.

Amaranth seed head, a prolific self-seeder.

And to wrap-up, the other-worldly forms of a “baby toes” succulent.

Stay Tuned for:
“Dry as a Bone”

All material © 2008 for east_side_patch. Unauthorized reproduction prohibited.

It is official, there is now one more little person staggering blindly around in the patch, (and no, it is not me after one too many frothing ales). My youngest finally found his feet this last week and is now swaggering down decomposed granite pathways like an inebriated pirate, making equally as much sense.

Oh, here comes trouble!

“Jack Sparrow’s the name, me thinks you need to stop with the drunk
pirate stereotypes…savvy?”

“Whats that plant over there, is that echinacea? I needs some of that to cure the curse on the Black Pearl.”

Me thinks you will need something a little stronger to cure me”!

Amazing new blooms in November! This is the only one that has recently grown and bloomed at such an eleventh hour in the year. I am not complaining. The colors in this seed head are amazing, like red-hot pokers.  All of my other coneflowers all have blackened seed heads by now, busy reseeding for next year.

Fibre optic seed heads.

Coneflower Echinacea purpurea. On a cooler note:

Can you guess what this is a picture of ?
A satellite image of algae ponds in Indonesia perhaps? (right photo courtesy of Farl, a great photography blog)

http://colloidfarl.blogspot.com/ check it out.No, you guessed it…

Hoja Santa.

Here is a before and six-month later shot of my circular “Microcosmic” garden. I really have enjoyed tracking the progression of this bed over the last half year.  I am so intrigued with this planting that I am leaning away from planting lavender in my new middle bed, and may continue this on a larger scale. There is always something new to observe in here, the plants have reproduced prolifically over the last couple of months. My plan is to wait and see what makes it through the winter and base my decision on this.

Echinacea was used by Native American tribes as a tonic and antiseptic and proved effective in treating snakebites and infections. Otherwise known as Coneflower or Sampson Root, Echinacea came to widespread prominence in the late 1800s when it was marketed in a popular elixir called “Meyers Blood Purifier”.
It’s now a multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical industry.

The plants really filled in quite fast and the mexican feather grass worked out a treat to soften the transition into the granite pathway. The burnt orange mexican gazing ball is enough to warm up the scene. See the donkey ear (Kalanchoe gastonis-bonnieri) central? …

Well it has sent up this amazing geometric candleabra, it really looks like I have stuck it in the ground, it looks totally fake.

and this is a detail of the flower heads that I am waiting to open. It would be really odd to walk out and see small candle flames burning, just as one last…”ah ha! you didn’t expect that did you camera boy”. This plant has been prolific this year. I must have propagated 20 babies, dotting them all around my back yard. They were so resilient, I began experimenting with planting places I thought they would not survive!

A patch of transplanted donkeys. “They look nothing like my ears”

“Tap of the mornin’ to ya”
In the same circular bed I caught these two rosettes looking like
an exotic bra advertisment for St Patrick’s day. You can see that right?
The clover? The rosettes? No?

And one more shot. Does anyone know where I can get some more,
perhaps a little larger lava rocks from in Austin?

Last succulent image I promise. I decided to plant under the giant timber bamboo that pushed through some of my brickwork earlier this year.

“whirling butterfly” Gaura with
an ornamental cabbage back-drop,
a great combination of colors and forms.

Now onto some insects…

This flowering loquat attracted a multitude of insects this past week, everything from monarchs to honeybees to…

Whatever this is? any thoughts?  The pattern on this UT fan is amazing.

This was probably the most skittish of all the damsels I have tried to photograph. I spent about 20 minutes to just get these two shots. Again an ID would be greatly appreciated. This variety has a very tiny body compared to the ones I have captured on earlier posts… the tank turret at the end of it’s tail, what is that all about?
click on the image (actually any of my images), then click on it again for a super close up!

“Venture into my forest would ye!
It amazes me what fantasy worlds exist under the most unassuming of garden shrubs. This scene looks like an evil forest from a fairy tale.

From a prehistoric insect to a prehistoric landscape under a prostrate rosemary bush.

Purple fountain grass seed heads with bamboo muhly in the background, both respond well to the softest of breezes…talking of plants and breezes… Everybody into plants will have a new respect for their abilities after watching the movie by M. Night Shyamalan. (now out on DVD).


The slightest breeze gets my attention
after watching this movie.

Purples in the front yard. Mexican bush
sage against our front steps, always
puts on a great fall display.

Crazy amaranth seed heads…heat –
seeking missiles.

A wild sea-oat seedhead shadowed behind the back lit leaf of a canna lily.

Tattoo on an agave leaf – an imprint from when it unfurled.

It is amazing how unassuming the pre-blooms are on this red passion vine. Who would suspect that they turn into the most amazing of flowers. This vine has produced more flowers this year then any other, it is like the hotter and dryer the conditions, the better it does, a good combination for Texas.

One more red to end, mexican fire bush pods.

Stayed tuned for:
“Dead in a Shed”

All material © 2008 for east_side_patch. Unauthorized reproduction prohibited.

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