I noticed it from afar, “wait, is that a ?”
“Why is it protruding out the side like that?”
“Thats not normal.”
I subconsciously tried to shield my kids from this sago’s rather confrontational appendage, bundling them quickly through the front door of Dave & Busters.

The reflecting window made the scene even more obscene. Upon leaving the establishment I made sure to comically obscure part of the strobilus with a white napkin.
That’s all I have to say about that.

Cold temperatures and even colder rain have taken care of the usual frost-prone victims,

I knew purple heart was about to go. I used to cut all the mush back but found the faster way is to just snap it and pull from the base, slopping the frost-bitten blood and guts into Home Depot buckets for composting.

A messy job, but much faster.

Canna lily wasn’t far behind, along with

some now ominous Hoja Santa Ring-wraiths.
In the darkness there was some light,

a solitary cone flower refuses to give in to winter,

and if there was sunlight, rest assured he was basking in it.

Fatsia Japonica catching some sun.

One of the best firework displays I have ever seen them produce.

Ghost plant,
Graptopetalum paraguayense
taking shelter from the cold winds under a ‘Hardy Red’ Oleander. Although they look and feel delicate, these ghosts can handle very cold weather, drought and a significant amount of shade apparently.

Stay Tuned For:
“Nosy Parker”
All material © 2015 for eastsidepatch. Unauthorized
intergalactic reproduction strictly prohibited, and
punishable by late (and extremely unpleasant)
14th century planet Earth techniques.