“My, grandma…what a big nose you have!”
“And my, grandma, that is some serious halitosis you have going on!”
“All the better for smelling out stinky dead things and rolling-in / eating them.”

Oh yes with this decapitated little snake (rough earth snake, perhaps a Texas blind snake, I don’t know?)
I had them on their toes wielding dustpans…
…they were totally disturbed as I danced toward them shouting “its goin’ doon yer back…

…and “the wee beastie is goin tae land on yer noggin’.”…

…in my really bad Billy Connolly accent.
I have never seen them move faster.

It has been a week of odd findings.
I found three clusters of drupes at the base of this needle palm, yes I said drupes, drupes.

Needless to say (ahem)

I got sufficiently punished for taking this macro.

The needles on this palm are virtually impossible to see among the debris and they are extremely sharp.

For anyone remotely interested here is drupelet split open to reveal the kernel.
This cypress tree contained in my pond has also set some large fruit,

all it needs are some wings…a quidditch field, a lick of gold paint, some wizard folk on broomsticks, ability to fly…etc.

Staying in this pond for a moment,

this Florida native swamp lily,

Crinum americanum
is putting on a fine show.

Another super white bloom has taken over two other places in the patch.

I vaguely remember collecting and planting some seeds from the datura mother-plant last fall.

I have tried planting the seed before without much success.
But not this year. This year the story is quite different.

I now have enough Devil’s snare to keep a small army of tribal Shamans in psychotropic trances for a very long time.

Inland sea oats are on the turn, greens turning to browns as fall encroaches.

I allow them to spread where they want to toward the back of my property,

as I do with this beach vitex…at least for now.

How about this for an agave bloom:

This one is the tallest I have ever seen.

Stay Tuned For:
“Pain In The Neck”
All material © 2014 for eastsidepatch. Unauthorized
intergalactic reproduction strictly prohibited, and
punishable by late (and extremely unpleasant)
14th century planet Earth techniques.