We have a lot of ripening Mexican limes in the Patch this year but very few satsumas.

Last year this little tree produced a bounty…

…this year we have 4!

Each one the size of an orange.

Lots of fall color right now, salvias, celosia and my

thryallisises are all going strong.

Mexican leucantha really pops against a dark backdrop,

Behind the bush sage is a rambling rose pass-along from Lori at http://gardenerofgoodandevil.wordpress.com

and in front, the exploding strands of basket grass, mist flower, rosemary and artemesia (or is it artimesia)? I can never seem to get this right.

Street-side sees a torrent of bamboo muhly.
I often see UPS delivery dudes swept away in this green water tsunami, especially when the wind is blowing.

I really must get to that horrendous flagstone someday.
Ornamental grasses are also on form at the moment,

Lindheimers muhly and

burgundy fountain grasses illuminate with a low setting sun.

A steady stream of monarch butterflies have been filing through the Patch this week on their migration to warmer climates, this duranta is a popular landing point for a nip of nectar.

Monarch butterflies are one of the few insects that can cross the Atlantic, these are usually butterflies that
have been blown off course, or caught in hurricanes while attempting to migrate from North America to Mexico.

This one will not be making the crossing.

I was very happy when he finally pulled out his first loose tooth. It had been bothering everyone for some time now, rolling around the bottom of his jaw at inappropriate angles every time he would speak.

With a little iPad bribery and the prospect of obtaining some shrapnel (courtesy of the tooth fairy) he wasted no time on the extraction.
Inspirational Image of the week:
Peter Root’s Ephemicropolis – A City of Staples
Stay Tuned for:
“An English Werewolf in Austin”

All material © 2013 for eastsidepatch. Unauthorized
intergalactic reproduction strictly prohibited, and
punishable by late (and extremely unpleasant)
14th century planet Earth techniques.