“Arch Nemesis”

I thought I would start on somewhat of a bright note before embarking on my traditionally drawn-out epic moan about August in Texas.

Finally I managed to catch my

Echinocactus grusonii

with a couple of open blooms.

More commonly known as the golden barrel cactus or more humorously the Mother-in-Law’s cushion.  Native to Central Mexico this cactus is a popular cacti in cultivation but strangely rare and critically endangered in the wild.

These animated blooms are very short lived and turn a scorched brown the next day.

Barrels on the top of the Getty Museum, LA.

As I said, I was all ready for a good old moan along the lines of blah blah, so hot, blah, no rain in sight…tongue stuck to outside of face, Mars blah, when would you believe it…

We got some August rain!

A very rare and much needed event.

I think I can safely say that this loquat was ready for a dram or two of the wet stuff,

and a yellowing whale’s tongue can never be a healthy sign.

The least said about this pine cone cactus the better,

a very peculiar cactus indeed.

I have pushed the garden really hard this year, offering up a bucket full of additional water only when a plant was clearly on the brink of death.

There have been casualties, especially with some younger plants, but on the whole most plants have bucked the heat and dry conditions very well. Heavy seaweed and fish emulsions late spring and a more aggressive then usual pruning regimen also helped.

As a last ditch attempt to stay alive this satsuma has started to prematurely drop fruit, hopefully the rain will turn this process around.

Although it can probably do to lose a few satsumas here and there to alleviate some of the burden on its limbs.

The fallen fruit was quickly scooped up,

 and juiced in an extremely unhygienic kitchen.

The unanticipated rain replenished stock tanks,

and revived foliage.

I caught this little camouflaged anole drying himself on a pride of Barbados seedpod.

Rain always causes this Alphonse Karr bamboo to lean and roll, a great clumping privacy bamboo.

This giant timber bamboo (my arch nemesis) has returned with vigor after being cut completely back to the ground.

I no longer recommend planting this bamboo as it is prone to freezing if we have a harsh winter. I have systematically removed five of these massive plants from the Patch breaking numerous pick axes, shovels and tendons.


Note: A rock bar is the best tool for extraction and the general chipping away at the massive tap root.

Talking of arch nemesis,







Silverleaf nightshade

Solanum elaeagnifolium


Some people like the blooms on this tap-rooted perennial herb, not me, in fact I think that I can honestly state that I have yet to find one redeeming attribute to make me think twice before dabbing some double concentrate glyphosate all over this plant’s sharp stem, furry leaves and obnoxious flowers.

So what if the root of the plant was chewed and applied as a poultice to snake bites by the medicine men of old.

And so what if the Zuni chewed the tap root of the plant and placed the maceration into a tooth cavity to ease the pain (Stevenson 1915). In Sonora, Mexican folk healers used the plant, calling it buena mujer, to treat fits of sneezing (Martinez 1969).

The tomato-like fruits were also utilized to treat constipation, (imagine that), by either eating them or boiling them and then drinking a thick concoction (Jones 1931).

Hmm, perhaps I have been a little harsh on this plant, after all it does put out endless amounts of blooms and requires not a solitary drop of water. I have heard that the plant can look very attractive when planted (or allowed to spread en mass) in xericscape designs…

…Oh who am I kidding, there is a reason that in South Africa it is known as satansbos or

“Satan’s Bush” in Afrikaans

Warning: Berries and all parts of this plant are poisonous, naturally.

Stay Tuned for:

“Orion’s belt”


All material © 2012 for eastsidepatch. Unauthorized
intergalactic reproduction strictly prohibited, and
punishable by late (and extremely unpleasant)
14th century planet Earth techniques.


I found this humorous one-eyed little ‘thingymajig’ on one of my

Madam Ganna Walska water lilies. I have no idea what this is, and I am not sure I want to find out. Still, it did make me smile as I performed a double-take on the entity. I could not resist stumbling through the undergrowth to give it a closer prod or two with a small stick.

Half expecting a little scream the ‘Whatchamacallit’ just flexed inside it’s transparent membrane before returning to its original shape…brrr, brrr and more brrr.

It is amazing what you can find staring back at you in a garden.

With temperatures now consistently into triple digits there are not too many plants that are still in their prime.

The pride of Barbados,

Caesalpinia pulcherrima


has to be one of the most flamboyant that is. These blooms work great against a shady backdrop, in this case a loquat.

The foliage also carries a lot of movement with broad bipinnately compound leaves…adjusts heavily taped up black glasses.

Waxy bean-shaped pods follow the flowers, starting green like mine are right now.

These will flush red, and eventually turn a rustic crunchy brown in the fall before splitting open.

“Ach ESP, ye ken I dunnae like those words mun.”

Oleanders also enjoy a good triple-digit roasting and no additional water.

This one near my hell-strip responds to the heat with these tropical colored blooms. Not being someone who plants a lot of flowers, I rely on specimens like this to punctuate color into a predominately foliage-driven scene, and oleander is one of my favorites – tough as nails, deer resistant with colors and hues that pack a punch.

Don’t let your pets or neighbors nibble on them or use them as barbecue skewers though, they do present cardiac glycosides. Of course Kumo seems to prefer man-made objects.

Now standing at 10ft, this King Tut papyrus also does well in the heat of the summer so long as the stock tank has a good soaking once a week.

Thyralis also does well in the heat and the shade though it also requires additional moisture to stop it looking sad and sagging.

The belting sun has pushed this barrel cactus to produce a lot more blooms,

although to date I have not witnessed any flowers.

Having a long and jaded relationship with this particular barrel I was reluctant to get too close with the camera.


This next one has me puzzled…

I took this photo of these pyracantha berries a few weeks back,

and here is the same shrub today?

I thought the berries went from yellow to orange to red?

Moving along…

This is “Nature’s Treasures”


it is where she spends ALL of her allowance. She would spend the entire day in here given half a chance.

They sell lots and lots of interesting rocks,

and many different crystalline entities,

fossils and minerals.

We came away with a great selection of new stones for the tumbler.

Hot work this rock picking!

And it really was, our rock bin was situated out the back of the premises,

outside in the blazing heat.

By the time the last rock was placed in the basket and weighed we were all feeling like Mars’ Rovers.

The trip also inspired some impromptu rock painting on these leftover chunks of Silvermist flagstone that I found lurking under the mud in the back of my truck…yes I finally cleared it out.


I will finish with some before and after shots of a poolside patio I have recently designed and installed for a client.


The scheme focused on two areas near the owners house which were struggling in both form and function. The left side was very cluttered due to many conflicting mediums, an over-sized prefab pond and unconsolidated planting scheme. The right side was populated by my old friend Asiatic jasmine, some struggling lawn and a shed too close to the house.

My primary goal was to open up the area, allowing it to visually and functionally “breathe”. This basically required a fresh start…everything, pretty much, had to go.

The existing furniture and utility storage bin were a work around.

Here is the design that I worked up:

The Silvermist flagstone and Tejas black back-fill gravel references the blue-grey color of the pool tiles and the new proposed house trim color. With the pond gone and a smaller invisible fountain replacing it there is a lot more functional space. A sparse and loose planting scheme softens up the edges and Mexican beach pebbles blend at the base of the fountain.

Here is the install almost completed. On the right side I introduced a stock tank (planted with cattails) to break up the expanse of that side of the house. The cattails should be just about the perfect height to sway around in front of the window. The shed was moved and replaced with a couple of fast growing cypress trees for natural privacy.

Inspirational concept of the week,

Rain Vase by to22 Studio:

“When was the last time you felt a part of a rain shower? Did you look into the sky with delight as each droplet fell? What if you could not only experience a downpour, but could bring some of it inside to remember, or even share. We want to invite you outside on a rainy day; enable you to have fun. The vase is all about preserving and then sharing that feeling.”



Stay Tuned for:

“Arch Nemesis”


All material © 2012 for eastsidepatch. Unauthorized
intergalactic reproduction strictly prohibited, and
punishable by late (and extremely unpleasant)
14th century planet Earth techniques.


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