But it looks okay, you may say.
Behind this particularly flattering image of this vitex tree in my front garden lies years of hacking, snipping, swearing and regrowing.
Now don’t get me wrong, I like vitex, it is a great pollinator magnet when in bloom, and I don’t think it should be on the invasive list here in Central Texas, but this one got off to a bad start and then just kept getting badder.

Pruning the branches to stop it grating on the roof of my house for the last decade only encouraged more to grow.
I had had enough.

“You hear that Mr. Vitex Tree?… That is the sound of inevitability… It is the sound of your death… Goodbye, Mr. Vitex Tree…”
Of course we all know what Neo did next.
I was determined this tree was not going to spring back up,

so I built a rather large fire on top of the remaining stump.
Everything was going well until I threw on some old lattice pieces I had lying around. I can only think this was coated in the most flammable liquid know to man. It went up with such an intensity that it singed some nearby loquats and attracted the attention of the local authorities as black plumes smoke bellowed to a ridiculous height.

“Everything okay over there sir?”
“Y,Yes officer…just burning my vitex tree,” – I realized that was too much information as it was being spoken and what was with the guilty shoulder shrug?

Even in death this tree was causing me anxiety.

After the fire had gone out I put a small tarp down where the root-ball had been, shimmied a dump truck into my front garden and poured 14 yards of decomposed granite over it…
lets see you come back from that!

While I was in this ‘lets just take it out’ mood, I also decided to erase this raised brick bed and the small flagstone that has also annoyed me for about as long as the Vitex.
The brickwork did not match anything, the rosemary was long in the tooth and don’t get me started on the Bermuda grass that has become increasingly pervasive in this bed, growing up through the center of the rosemary. Urgh.

It all had to go, dirt, roots and all.

With the Vitex, berms and brick planter removed everything felt quieter and the space sooo much larger.
I have no definitive plans for this area as yet but I suspect some very large flagstone and some ‘quieter’ planting arrangements are not too far away.

Another project in progress is happening at the back of my property.
Like the front, things needed tamed and reworked but it was the demise of my stock-tank pond that really set things in motion.

I have had this stock-tank for about as long as I have been writing this blog, it has served me well and given my kids a lot of fun growing up.
I knew it was reaching the end of its life as the sludge crept higher and the water got shallower.
How high’s the water, mama?
Two feet less and shrinkin’
I could have cleaned some of the sludge out but some bright-spark thought it would be a good idea to sink a bog cypress tree into the tank all those years ago. It did not take the cypress long before it bust free of its terracotta confines, its roots crawling all the way around the bottom of the tank forming a dense mat.
Think Asiatic jasmine on pond-sludge-steroids. https://www.eastsidepatch.com/2011/11/little-monsters/
A few weeks back I noticed the rust on the inside of the tank was also getting worse, I turned a blind eye.
Then overnight the inevitable happened.

It wasn’t a pretty sight…

…and it stank of dead goldfish – a scent that immediately took me back to: https://www.eastsidepatch.com/2012/04/exploding-goldfish/
All together it was not the sort of focal / destination point or ‘lack of’ water feature you want in your back garden…ever.

The cypress was a beast to get out,

but out it came.

As did the stock-tank.

Much to the horror of the cactus man who watched with rather too much intensity for my liking as it rolled by him.
He hates change.

I also had to deal with the remnants of this failed waterfall: https://www.eastsidepatch.com/2008/05/i-used-a-sledge-hammer-on-my-water-feature/
that was all concreted in and sitting on top of some nasty thick plastic.
Oh yes it all had to go.

I won’t go into the unmentionables that were lying in wait underneath this plastic, but they were numerous.
{Subtle knee murmur}

The established loquat on top of the mound was dug out and transplanted to the fence line, which is about to get replaced.

Here is the back area purged awaiting a top dressing of granite and a future spring privacy planting.

A relocated and expanded fire pit and grill going into the space.

More on these spaces as they take shape.
Stay Tuned For:
“The Magic Carpet“

All material © 2017 for eastsidepatch. Unauthorized
intergalactic reproduction strictly prohibited, and
punishable by late (and extremely unpleasant)
14th century planet Earth techniques.