Very little is actually documented about the Nabooboo Tribe that reside in the Westerly regions of the East Side Patch, regions that primarily consist of artemisia hills and large ornamental grasses. It is widely considered that this environment fits the tribes nomadic lifestyle whilst also providing maximum cover.
Only a handful of individuals actually have ever come into direct contact with this shy tribe, and the explorers that have, found communication extremely difficult, if not indeed, impossible. The tribe communicate via a series of mouth clicks and clacks and very fast hand gesturing, contemporary similarities have been drawn to the Xhosa language, at least for the verbal aspect of their intricate language.
Here is an example of Xhosa:
The Naboo are very little, and work well as a group. They are extremely protective of their habitat and do not like change or strangers crossing their land without the appropriate “rite of passage” documentation.
Individuals trespassing have been reported to completely vanish, creating some speculation that cannibalism may be an integral culinary preference of the tribe.
The tribal weapon of choice for the Naboo is the blowpipe or “p-p-ouch”.
Generally serving poisoned darts, the blowpipe is used for hunting and solving disputes in the East Side Patch. It is an effective weapon indeed, the elders know how to create darts that effects range from posterior numbness to the full-on, and extremely “unpleasant” evacuation of the targets major internal organs.

The Naboo are as gifted in art as they are in their hunting skills. Examples of fine craftsmanship are exemplified in the elaborate headdresses that are used to send different messages to other internal tribe members.

This Agave headdress you may recall, signifies to the other women of the tribe that the individual is having a particularly “Bad-Hair day”, but there are many, many more. These headdresses can take months of pain staking sewing and weaving to fabricate.
I hope you have enjoyed our brief visit to this, the most elusive of tribes in the ESP. And remember should there be a future blogging get together at the ESP…just ensure your documentation is in good order… that way there will be no “accidents”.
One final piece of information…should you ever get captured by the Naboo, just keep asking for “Bob at Draco”, his linguistic skills and his knowledge of the Naboo’s phonology and Syntax are unmatched by anyone in the blogging arena. If you are captured and lucky enough to have a field laptop with you, can find him at http://dracogardens.blogspot.com/
As the “as yet” untranslated Naboo saying goes…
“Click,click, umtoomber, clack,clack, marabam, click, fnnnn”.