Fungi and Dutch hat

Moth and fighter

Succulent and flamingos

Agave seeds and the langoliers
Agave americana and a giant squid
Agave and shark teeth
Vampire agave
Barrel Cactus go hoooome
Brugmansia flesh
Close Encounters of the Bulbine kind
Cactus and Side-Show-Bob
Coneflower Hedgehogs
Coneflower fibres
“So that is ver my collar vent to”!
Pride of Barbados Dragon
Dried Gulf Toad…Pompeii Victim
William’s potato-vine intestines
Elephant ear
Egg Daisy
Alien decaying Elephant Ear
More of poor William’s stomach and a tuber
Fatsia japonica chemistry model
Mexican Firebush and Alien Plant

Stalagmite Foot Mines
Freddie Kruger Potato Vine
Gandalf the Grey sculpture
“Gorilla’s in the Mist, Water”, can you spot him?
Hoja Santa Fields
Hoja Santa Treasure Map
Pan’s Labyrinth caterpillar
Edward Hover-Fly
Fighter Hoverfly
Hulk-Culm, Giant Timber Bamboo
Lantana Bow-Ties
Lichen Map
Lychees, Shell-Ginger blooms

Mermaid pond weed

Mandrake Root Elephant Ear

Oh Yeah!
Morning Glory Satellite Dish

Nemo and Gerbera Daisy

Veins on a decaying post oak leaf
Olives and Mexican Fire Bush

Spiny Orb Weaver and Manx Beach Buggy
Use of Manx Beach buggy photograph courtesy of: http://www.takenbychris.co.uk/

Withered Passion Vine Sentinel

Passion of the Passion Flower

War of the Passion Vines

Cactus Paddle Penguins

Potato Vine Aircraft

Pride of Barbados sling

Steak and Stone
Bamboo Roots of the Caribbean
Passion Vine Tendrils and Rigging
Sago Palm Oars
Hurricane: Snail
Sphinx Moth…The Flying Wing
Starfish Succulent
Mystical Stone
Taro Sushi
Stained Glass Swallowtail
Pond Swan
Taro Death Star
Brown Nose Clanger
Toad Eyes
Saucer Seperation
Water Bomb
Banana-leaf zipper
Golden Snitch Seedpod
Cow Tongue Donkey Ear…Ewwww!
Celosia Candles
Fifth Element Southern Green Stinkbug
Winter Papyrus and Donald’s hair.
Drowned Paper Wasp and Jack Dawson (Titanic)
Dead anole in barrel cactus and Bear Grylls.
War of the Worlds tri-pod and a Leaffooted bug
Rhino skin and frost bitten agave
Frost Bitten Agave and Nero’s mining ship emerging from the “singularity”, Star Trek.
A sparkling ghost plant bloom looking like a harlequins hat, complete with bells .
“We’ll build dwarf palmetto spears twice the length of a Naboo man”.
Court Jester squash bloom
Milk Thistle seeds and the sacred spirits in Avatar
Datura bloom and rolled linen napkins
Milk Thistle Puffer Fish
Tobacco Hornworm and the Hellraiser Chatterer
Sphinx moth larva and the Egyptian Sphinx
Toad Spawn and the Hallelujah Mountains of Pandora
Hitler Spider?
Datura seed pod and Star Trek alien
Cupressus glabra Blue Ice and Waterfall
Paper wasp wing getting devoured by tiny red light bulbs?
Cactus House and Pine Cone Cactus
Giant Timber Bamboo and Aurora Borealis
Armored Horse and Obscure Bird Grasshopper
Stargate: Anubis Guard and a chrysalis
Largus californicus and Battlestar Galactica Centurions
Jumping spider and voodoo mask
Agave wound and Ring Wraith
Dead Anole and Pompeii Victim
Close Encounters of the Tomatillo-Husk Kind
Pinecone Cactus and the Old men Muppets…what? The “eyes”!
Purple hyacinth bean and the Minstrels
Jerusalem Sage and Plants vs Zombie chomper
Harvestmen – Daddy Long Legs and “Minority Report” spider robot
Tiny spores on a shard of mulch – Avatar

Barrel cactus and Homer’s eyes
Dead ghost plant and Tunguska

Sad artemesia and Louisiana swamp cypress

Emerging sabal major frond and whale jaw

Common Bagworm moth and a Labyrinth “hoarder”

Maintenance robot (AI) and pine cone cactus

Shells and Windsurfers

Lucerne moth and Wile E. Coyote

Hellraiser Pinhead and Buttonbush
Obvious one…Tiger and Tiger Swallowtail

Kumo and Zombie

Unidentified entity and Monsters, Inc

A marauding army of stonecrop skeletons!

Muhlenbergia lindheimeri / fire cracker.

Prometheus canisters and post oak leaf galls

Unfurling Holly Fern – 1920’s high fashion

Yeti paw and forming four nerve daisy…an unlikely comparison.

H.G. Wells Time Machine_Everything-but-the-kitchen-sink…wheelbarrow time-machine

Jerusalem sage & Mogwai

Stargazer lily seed pods and Alien

Female Sago Palm and Feather Coral

Green June Bug and Hot Rod

Bamboo Muhly and the Black Riders

Swaggering Cactus Pirate and Jack Sparrow

Tobacco Hornworm Caterpillar and Manatee

Baron Harkonnen & Water Droplets on a Burgundy Canna Lily

Female Sago Palm & Fountain

Albus Dumbledore using the Pensieve and Miscanthus

Seed Head Boa